ProMeet - Professional Meeting Faciliation

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Kind Words


I recently had the pleasure of facilitating a 1.5 day strategy workshop for trustees and senior executives of Ravensbourne College. Chairman Jon Drori (who incidentally gives great TED talks) was kind enough to write to me after the workshop, here is his brief letter:


Dear Sean,

Thank you for facilitating Ravensbourne's strategy awaydays so ably.

Facilitation is one of those activities that too many people think they can do well. Some of those people should watch you at work - professional, firm, authoritative, gracious and focused on the outcome we wanted, which was to have a senior team of executives and governors sharing ambition and direction.

I confess that when you and I first met I wasn't immediately sure that
Lego Serious Play would be the right tool for our team. You quickly gained my trust and I'm absolutely delighted that, having listened carefully to what we wanted to achieve, you made such persuasive arguments for the approach.

I would be very happy to recommend your services to others.

All the best, Jon

Jonathan Drori CBE
Chairman, Ravensbourne Board of Governors


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