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New Book: Serious Work

Very exciting news.

ProMeet has published its first book.

www.Serious.Global or read two reviews below.


A practical book that will have you heading for your box of bricks
By B E Mizen.  November19, 2016

"From June 2016 onwards, I have been on a learning curve about LEGO® Serious Play®. I completed a LSP facilitators course in October 2106 and since then have been developing my facilitator skills with this innovative and brilliant method. I have been searching for and collecting as much information and material as possible on this subject. I bought this book on the strength of the material that I have seen online from both the main authors regarding LSP. It did not disappoint in any way whatsoever. The book is well laid out, clear and easy to read with really good images. The authors take time to explain things in a way that doesn't patronise the reader... this is useful and more importantly provides a practical structure that any facilitator will value.

I really valued the section on the mindset of the facilitator as participative and how we should have "Outcomes not meetings". This was a complete bonus and not something I had expected at all. The workshop outlines are excellent and written from the perspective of a facilitator which means they are practical and usable. I will be adapting some of these into my workshops! The case studies and advice from other practitioners make this a "can do" book! Lastly, the access to online resources is really handy too!"
A Seriously Fantastic Resource
By Tamara Christensen. December 22, 2016
"I am a certified facilitator of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® materials and methodology, and have used the this approach for over 3 years. Until now I have relied on my training materials, one book and other open source materials as references to keep me inspired. It's fantastic to have such a complete and thorough resource guide in full color with plenty of examples, photos and clear instructions. I ordered the digital version of Serious Work back in November and liked it so much I decided to purchase a print copy, too. I have to say, it’s beautiful and fantastic! It’s so satisfying to have the print version to hold in my hands. This is an amazing piece of (serious) work. I highly recommend this book to anyone curious about the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® materials and methodology and those who are certified facilitators looking for a valuable resource guide."


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